All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:45 Triskelios joined #openhatch
00:54 fossdevil joined #openhatch
01:05 btulchinsky joined #openhatch
01:38 finnx joined #openhatch
04:03 wolftune joined #openhatch
04:16 X019 joined #openhatch
04:37 wolftune joined #openhatch
05:29 wolftune joined #openhatch
06:31 FHaag joined #openhatch
06:56 _x0pal0x_ joined #openhatch
07:15 vipul20 joined #openhatch
08:02 _x0pal0x_ joined #openhatch
08:24 sivoais joined #openhatch
10:00 heidie joined #openhatch
10:07 beluga_ joined #openhatch
10:34 btulchinsky joined #openhatch
11:34 pdurbin "would it be interesting to see something that integrate IRC + Email/Mailing-List + Forum together in some way?"[…]15-07-10#i_125774
11:46 btulchinsky joined #openhatch
12:36 simonft any idea why this is happening?[…]da4152f0b32719597
12:36 was linked in an article.
12:46 Daredel joined #openhatch
13:50 heidie joined #openhatch
13:55 Daredel joined #openhatch
14:46 btulchinsky joined #openhatch
15:04 paulproteus simonft: Why what is happening? What I see there is spang's user photo on the site, but maybe there was an outage and that's what you were experiencing?
15:10 moijes12 joined #openhatch
15:19 kzisme_ joined #openhatch
15:20 paulproteus Oh, I see.
15:20 beluga_ so some mime type handling issue
15:20 paulproteus For me in Chromium I see an image. I think the reason is misconfgiured server MIME types.
15:20 beluga_ FF here
15:20 yep Chrome works
15:30 Daredel joined #openhatch
15:31 JasonWoof oh! I was wondering what the problem was. yeah, server is sending: content-type: text/plain
15:38 wolftune joined #openhatch
15:44 moijes12 left #openhatch
16:24 Sixmsj joined #openhatch
16:32 jaipel joined #openhatch
17:02 ehashman paulproteus: could that be related to the similar issue with the roundup backup files? was that ever fixed?
17:07 FHaag joined #openhatch
17:09 Nightrose joined #openhatch
17:14 HRJ_ joined #openhatch
17:15 heidie joined #openhatch
17:32 Daredel joined #openhatch
17:45 kzisme_ Whats a good place to look for inspiration for a welcome screen design?
18:00 raniere_ joined #openhatch
18:12 wolftune joined #openhatch
18:15 raniere__ joined #openhatch
18:59 simonv3 joined #openhatch
19:15 marktraceur kzisme_: Welcome screen for what?
19:19 kzisme_ marktraceur: Just a form application I'm just trying to figure out what would be needed or useful for people.  It's a streamlined application based off an existing ones just used to add or remove employees
19:26 marktraceur: I have a meeting in a few minutes to talk about my first project to the managers/users
19:26 marktraceur kzisme_: Mind if I PM you?
19:26 kzisme_ No problem
19:27 I'll be away for a few moments
20:00 wolftune joined #openhatch
20:26 raniere__ joined #openhatch
20:28 btulchinsky joined #openhatch
20:47 btulchinsky joined #openhatch
21:06 _x0pal0x_ joined #openhatch
21:21 britta[…]ls-at-risk/113726
22:54 jesstess joined #openhatch
22:59 kxra joined #openhatch
23:27 btulchinsky joined #openhatch
23:33 simonv3 joined #openhatch

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