Time  Nick        Message
01:52 WelcomeBot  Welcome openhatch_3013!  The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like shauna, paulproteus, and marktraceur) that you're here.  If no one responds for a while, try emailing us at hello@openhatch.org or just try coming back later.  FYI, you're now on my list of known nicknames, so I won't bother you again.
06:41 shreya      Hello I am a beginner.Can anyone help me in finding bugs to work on/
06:41 paulproteus Hi shreya! Can you tell me something you already know about, and something you want to learn more about?
06:42 paulproteus Thanks for stopping by!
06:43 shreya      paulproteus : I know C and would like to contribute to open source projects and thought should start with working on bitsize bugs.What do you suggest?
06:43 paulproteus Cool that you know C!
06:43 paulproteus What operating system do you run, typically?
06:45 shreya      Windows and Ubuntu both
06:45 paulproteus Windows 7, Ubuntu, Mac OS, etc.
06:45 paulproteus Oh cool!
06:45 paulproteus OK great.
06:45 paulproteus So here are my general tips for getting involved in open source projects.
06:46 paulproteus Try to find ones that you use, and try to get to know the community by doing things like documentation fixes (be that code docs, like comments, or user-facing documentation, like help manuals) first.
06:46 paulproteus It's also often a great idea to hang out around with the people in that community on IRC for a little while and just listen and see what they talk about.
06:46 paulproteus Having said that, if you know C really well and want to dive into something, that's OK too.
06:47 paulproteus It's just often easier to make a first impression and get to know how people operate by doing something less technical first. That's how I always start out.
06:47 paulproteus So do you happen to use any software in either of those platforms (Windows, Ubuntu) that's written in C? GNU screen, and GNU nano, come to mind as possibilities for the Ubuntu side; I use both of those and maybe you do, too.
06:47 paulproteus I don't know if they have bitesize bugs lists, though, but it'd be cool if they do.
06:47 paulproteus There are also lots and lots of GNOME projects, like gnome-terminal, that have bitesize bugs (or documentation bugs) that they want help with.
06:48 paulproteus GNOME's entry point for that stuff is https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeLove
06:49 paulproteus We have this step by step guide here with a little more info on what getting involved means: http://labs.openhatch.org/foss-contrib-guide/
06:49 paulproteus http://openhatch.org/search/?q=&language=C is another interface to browse those.
06:49 paulproteus You can click on "documentation" and find yourself here: http://openhatch.org/search/?q=&contribution_type=documentation&language=C
06:50 shreya      paulproteus : Thanks a lot
06:52 paulproteus I found https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=720572 (which is a docs bug in gnome-terminal) and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=742520 (which is in gnome-control-center) a C coding bug
06:52 paulproteus I don't know all that much about those two codebases, but GNOME is considered a pretty welcoming project, although if people don't reply, you may have to be patient; they're mostly volunteers.
06:53 shreya      Okay
06:53 paulproteus You're always welcome to come here and ask more questions! We may or may not be around but we'd like to be as helpful as we can be!
06:56 shreya      Thankyou
07:04 paulproteus Happy to help!
15:27 WelcomeBot  Welcome drovka!  The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like shauna, paulproteus, and marktraceur) that you're here.  If no one responds for a while, try emailing us at hello@openhatch.org or just try coming back later.  FYI, you're now on my list of known nicknames, so I won't bother you again.
15:31 marktraceur Hi drovka!
15:32 drovka      Hi!
15:54 shauna      hi drovka
15:55 * shauna    is trying to fix the blog css again
15:56 Niharika    Hi shauna! When do we plan to have the proposal brainstorming session for OSB?
15:56 Niharika    I so don't want to miss it.
15:59 shauna      Not sure!  We could do a doodle poll on devel@
16:01 Niharika    devel@?
16:01 shauna      the devel mailing list
16:01 shauna      lists.openhatch.org
16:01 Niharika    Oh, okay.
16:01 Niharika    Thanks. :)
16:01 shauna      http://lists.openhatch.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
16:08 shauna      Does anyone know what "    width: @column-width;" implies?
16:08 shauna      I'm going to look up the notation myself, but help is always appreciated.
16:10 shauna      Okay, apparently @ means import.
16:10 shauna      But import from wheeeeeere?
16:10 shauna      I guess the most recent specification of column-width.
16:11 shauna      Which is specified as "((@total-width - @padding-between-columns * 2) / 3) - @padding-between-columns;" in base.less.
16:11 shauna      Which I guess must be importing from the actual css file.
16:13 shauna      But the actual css file doesn't have a @total-width or a padding between columns...
16:13 shauna      Oh I see it's specified within base.less!
16:14 shauna      If "@total-width: 1000px; @standard-padding: 20px;" then column-width should be 300.
16:16 shauna      I see.  In a two column layout, the left side keeps column-width, and the right doubles in size.
16:18 shauna      So here's a potentially relevant question.  I only see this when I'm *not* logged in.
16:54 shauna      :(
16:54 shauna      A search for ".column" in oh/oh-mainline returns 500+ results because the . is ignored.
16:54 paulproteus git grep -F '.column'
16:55 paulproteus Also good morning, I see you asked a question on https://github.com/openhatch/oh-mainline/issues/1512
16:55 paulproteus FWIW anything you see as "inline" in the browser probably means it came from "less".
16:55 paulproteus "less" is not something the browser understands, so "less.js" in the browser converts the styles from less into real honest to goodness CSS in the browser.
16:56 paulproteus shauna: ^ I can possibly answer other questions but I'm a little behind on understand what you're doing/seeing and a little tired. But I could e.g. screenshare with you for a bit to see what you see.
16:56 paulproteus I agree with the remark you made on the bug that this is error-prone and difficult and opaque.
16:57 shauna      Basically, I'm trying to figure out why there's a width attribute for .column in the incorrect version and not in the correct version.
16:57 shauna      Where correct == what I see when logged in, and incorrect == what logged out people see.
16:57 shauna      Since the width attribute seems to be the key difference between the two.
16:57 shauna      So I'm trying to find all references to ".column" in less/css.
16:58 shauna      The first one I checked, two_column.less, just says ".column {
16:58 shauna      clear: none;
16:58 shauna      }"
16:58 shauna      Wait, there it is.
16:58 shauna      Guess I don't need any fancy searching.
16:58 shauna      Just patience.
16:58 paulproteus mysite/static/less/base/base.less .column  line 301 maybe
16:59 paulproteus So weird that logged in vs. out would make a difference.
16:59 shauna      Added in Nov 18, 2014
16:59 shauna      Has our blog been borked for that long?
16:59 paulproteus It doesn't even seem borked to me.
16:59 paulproteus What's the display bug precisely?
16:59 shauna      paulproteus: are you logged in?
16:59 shauna      view the blog in a private browser
17:00 shauna      window thing
17:00 paulproteus No, viewing in incognito now
17:00 shauna      I'll take a screenshot
17:00 paulproteus On skinny screens the sidebar is up at the top, which is a little tragic.
17:00 paulproteus But that's the worst I see.
17:00 paulproteus b
17:01 shauna      Posted
17:01 shauna      I only see this while logged out.  I'm curious what's going on there.
17:02 paulproteus Weird. I can't reproduce that.
17:02 paulproteus Logged in or out; Firefox or Chromium or Google Chrome.
17:03 paulproteus Ah hah. Yes in incognito Firefox.
17:03 shauna      This is the PR: https://github.com/openhatch/oh-mainline/pull/1474
17:03 shauna      Should I just revert the PR?
17:04 paulproteus I'd rather add some CSS constraints so the rules carefully avoid being relevant to the blog.
17:04 paulproteus Massive props to you for being able to reproduce this and find the thing that broke it.
17:04 shauna      Do we need another undocumented complication for people working on css?
17:05 paulproteus Well let me submit a pull request with what I mean; ETA 10 min.
17:05 shauna      Like, why is this so complicated?  How can we fix it?
17:05 shauna      Okay.
17:07 shauna      I'm a little sad that I figured it out because I was just about to try git blame, which I've never used before.
17:08 shauna      I'll find some other excuse soon.
17:13 paulproteus https://github.com/openhatch/oh-mainline/pull/1522  - shauna, fwiw, this change doesn't decrease the degree of documentedness, which I believe was a thing you were concerned about in how I might solve it.
17:13 paulproteus But I might misunderstand what your concern was.
17:13 paulproteus Feel free to merge + deploy. The blog should visually update once cloudflare caches expire.
17:14 paulproteus Again massive props to your for finding that.
17:14 paulproteus afk a bit.
17:15 shauna      :)
17:15 shauna      It seems like it moves the 32% width declaration to the landing page only, which makes sense.
17:15 * shauna    will test and then merge, hopefully
17:16 shauna      Wait no can't test.
17:16 shauna      Well, can I *guess* through elaborate method.
17:16 shauna      Okay!  Almost there!
17:23 shauna      Can't get less changes to appear, going to merge anyway and hope for the best.
17:24 gitcommits  [13oh-mainline] 15shaunagm pushed 2 new commits to 06master: 02http://git.io/aID32Q
17:24 gitcommits  13oh-mainline/06master 143272b01 15Asheesh Laroia: Move front-page-specific CSS rules to landing.less...
17:24 gitcommits  13oh-mainline/06master 14d8404eb 15shaunagm: Merge pull request #1522 from paulproteus/bugfix/constrain-front-page-fixes-to-front-page...
17:26 gitcommits  [13oh-mainline] 15paulproteus merged 06master into 06deployed_linode.openhatch.org: 02http://git.io/MFPsfQ
17:26 gitcommits  [13oh-mainline] 15paulproteus merged 06deployed_linode.openhatch.org into 06deployed_linode2.openhatch.org: 02http://git.io/MFPsfQ
17:28 shauna      ... maybe I deployed wrong.
17:29 paulproteus Did you say yes to the scary thing that implies we should say no?  I don't know if that's still a thing. What are you worrid about?
17:30 paulproteus Nothing too bad seems to have happened.
17:31 shauna      No, I siad no.
17:31 shauna      *said
17:31 shauna      It's fixed on Chrome but not on Firefox for me.  Maybe a caching issue.
17:32 shauna      But I was looking at Firefox first and was confused.
17:32 shauna      Yeah, fixed on Firefox.
17:32 shauna      Had to open a different private browsing session.
17:32 shauna      Yay!
17:32 shauna      After 2.5 hours I can finally post my blog post!
17:33 shauna      I guess I learned some things about css though so the delay wasn't so bad.
17:34 paulproteus Great.
17:44 shauna      Wow the spacing on this post is incredibly inconsistent.
17:46 paulproteus -1 to the WordPress WYSIWYG editor
17:46 paulproteus Not that I know that's related but it usually is.
17:48 shauna      Allll I want is padding below an h2
17:48 shauna      And above I guess.
17:49 shauna      re: WYSIWYG I just copied and pasted from htmlpad
17:49 shauna      But I used h2s and h3s which I think are getting overridden in the blog css.
17:51 shauna      Changing manually now.
17:56 shauna      http://blog.openhatch.org/2015/semester-of-events/
18:10 skay        shauna: I am excited about this topic and really happy to see people posting already http://discourse.openhatch.org/t/introductions-thread-theory-and-research/62
18:10 paulproteus shauna: I should have said this earlier, but -- can you put the giant number 17 somewhere here? As big as the images.
18:10 paulproteus But if not, I can deal. (-:
18:10 paulproteus It's amazing.
18:11 paulproteus The content of the post, that is.
18:11 paulproteus It's also so exciting that we seem to be good at getting "repeat customers"!
18:11 paulproteus Looks like I have a lot of reading to do, with this post and all that it links to.
18:19 paulproteus shauna: http://www.rants.org/2013/01/09/the-irc-curmudgeon/ is nicely-written and borderline excellent reference material that we could hypothetically point students to.
18:20 paulproteus This makes sense, from the author of producingoss.com, but anyway, thanks kfogel (who isn't here but deserves a mention)
18:28 shauna      skay: I am excited too!
18:29 shauna      paulproteus: where would you suggest I put it?
18:29 shauna      also: oof my internet is slow
18:30 paulproteus shauna: Right above "September"
18:30 * skay      's internet is slow too
18:31 shauna      Just... the number 17?
18:31 shauna      That seems weird.
18:31 skay        shauna: I am behind on conversations so this may be redundant -- did you let people in sciencelab know about the topic?
18:32 shauna      Oh, no I didn't.  That's a goo idea.
18:35 shauna      A good idea, even
18:45 Niharika    Hi skay! How're you?
18:46 skay        Niharika: hi theres :)
18:46 skay        Niharika: how is it going? I know that timvideos crew is at LCA conf right now :)
18:46 skay        Carl is in New Zealand with them
18:47 paulproteus shauna: Maybe with a brief note after the giant 17 that says, "That's the number of events. I'm excited. Now, onto the details."
18:47 Niharika    skay: Yeah. :) I'm not there. I thought you'd be going over. Time said you might.
18:47 Niharika    skay: It's going well! I'm working with Wikimedia as a contractor for a few months. How's it going at your end?
18:47 Niharika    Tim*
18:49 Niharika    skay: I've to work with Tim and get the bugtracking app deployed on the TimVideos server. I've been procrastinating it forever. :P
18:50 skay        Niharika: neato! Wikimedia! I've been working at Canonical for 3 months now and things are good
18:50 skay        Niharika: I would like to spend some outside time getting pyvideo.org up to date with the latest master, but have been too busy to work that out
18:50 skay        I've got some ansible code in partial shape to deploy it, but haven't completed things
18:51 Niharika    skay: :) If you get time, do apply for a talk at http://opensourcebridge.org/events/2015/proposals It's not a big scary conference. You'd give an awesome talk, I know.
18:52 skay        Niharika: thanks :)
18:52 Niharika    skay: I gave one last year and loved the experience. Now I'm hunting for topics about which I could possibly speak and people would come and listen. :P
19:10 shauna      paulproteus: 17 by itself looked strange, see if you like my compromise
19:57 paulproteus shauna: +1 to your version!
21:44 willingc    skay: i would love to see you speak since I love chatting with you when I do see you
21:45 skay        willingc: thanks o/
21:45 willingc    :)