Time Nick Message 16:31 HedgeMage heh 16:28 pdurbin HedgeMage: good try :) 16:23 HedgeMage Did you have a question? 16:23 HedgeMage You are in #openhatch. 16:22 openhatch_2994 #opehatch 16:22 HedgeMage hi, openhatch_2994 16:21 openhatch_2994 Hi 14:36 HedgeMage :) 14:30 pdurbin HedgeMage: you might like http://www.oreilly.com/free/badass-making-users-awesome.html because she talks about cameras a lot. Good book. :) 14:22 HedgeMage This is a VERY hard line to walk! 14:22 HedgeMage Trying to find something good enough that I think LF will learn well (he gets to do a photography camp with professional photographers later this month!) but not so expensive that I'll have a heart attack if it breaks at camp. 14:21 HedgeMage Sounds fine. I'll respond when I get a chance. I'm currently deep in the morass of attempted camera shopping. 14:21 HedgeMage :D 14:20 pdurbin You're welcome. As they say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. I hope I did ok. 14:07 HedgeMage pdurbin: thanks for the post! I just saw it come across. 13:58 pdurbin HedgeMage: sent: https://lists.icei.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-July/000014.html 13:24 HedgeMage Go for it. 13:21 pdurbin HedgeMage: am I allowed to link to the Google doc? 13:21 HedgeMage Sure, go ahead and post. I'm sure you'll be responded to. :) 13:20 pdurbin https://lists.icei.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss has very good transparency. I'd be happy to talk about this Google doc there. 13:18 HedgeMage Slack is very bad, not least because it's inaccessible to screen readers and they have stated no intention to fix that :( 13:18 pdurbin I consider Slack to be a walled garden too. Bad for open source projects that care about transparency. 13:18 HedgeMage The reality of "every word I say may be googled 30 years from now, re-analyzed out of context and held against me" is kinda scary. 13:18 HedgeMage People tend to self-censor too much for my taste in publicly-logged channels. 13:17 HedgeMage Anyone can join and log privately. 13:17 HedgeMage It's not logged publicly, but I don't consider that a walled garden. 13:17 pdurbin Isn't #icei a walled garden? Not logged publicly? 13:16 HedgeMage BTW, jooles just woke up in #icei -- we could always move the convo there and include him :) 13:16 HedgeMage I like private money when I can get it: it tends to come with fewer strings. 13:15 * HedgeMage nods 13:15 pdurbin ok, so a private grant 13:15 HedgeMage Most of it is volunteer, though we've got a small portion of jooles' time as pm funded by ICEI thanks to our Theil Foundation grant. 13:14 HedgeMage Nope. 13:13 pdurbin Is this being paid for by a government grant? 13:13 HedgeMage Feel free to suggest things! 13:12 HedgeMage It was a while ago :) 13:12 HedgeMage Yep. To be fair, not everything I put in was one of my ideas... I'm not sure whether I marked my stuff separately from when I was taking notes for a group. 13:12 pdurbin HedgeMage: you are all over this google doc. lots of bullets from you 12:45 HedgeMage There was recently some back-and-forth about where to host the thing before it gets far enough along to dogfood itself. :) 12:45 HedgeMage I know that the reqs list will end up being public before development begins. 12:45 HedgeMage We started with a brainstorming doc which is here: https://goo.gl/I2Wu2g ...I'm not sure if that's current or if jooles et al have broken off to another doc. 12:28 pdurbin HedgeMage: are the requirements being written down in a public place? 12:18 HedgeMage I don't *think* so, as they're still in the requirements-gathering phase, but jooles in #icei and #newguard would know for sure. :) 12:15 pdurbin HedgeMage: is there a git repo yet? 12:15 pdurbin smithy works 12:14 HedgeMage It's in no way final, though. 12:14 HedgeMage pdurbin: We've been kicking around "Smithy", as a forge is really just one tool inside a Smithy so my metalworker husband has always thought "forge" was a dumb term for a collection of software-making tools. :) 12:04 pdurbin HedgeMage: does it have a codename yet? Or final name. 11:58 HedgeMage Yes, absolutely. :) 11:54 pdurbin HedgeMage: is this new software forge going to be open source? 11:38 HedgeMage pdurbin: Yes. :) 10:43 pdurbin HedgeMage: hi. Did you see this? [Discuss] Infrastructure software forge project - volunteers required - https://lists.icei.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-June/000012.html